Political Science Peer Contacts

Need some advice? Or, the listening ear of a fellow student? How about a place to make new friends with shared interests? The Political Science Peer Contacts (PSPC) are a community of volunteer political science majors reaching out to new, returning and prospective political science students to help them navigate university life and get the most out of their program.

PSPC provides mentorship and social connections to their fellow students, helping them navigate university life and achieve success in the political science program.

You can reach out to any the Peers for more information on course selection, helpful tips on success in the program, or any other questions you may have about majoring in Political Science. If we don't know the answer, we will refer you to someone who can. The PSPC also runs two events in each semester that are designed to be interactive, fun, and informative, as well as connect you to other political science students and faculty here at Guelph.

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