Theresa Lee
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Professor Lee is a political theorist who specializes in contemporary political theory. Her research and teaching areas include continental philosophy, Marxism and critical theory, feminism, postmodernism, philosophy of social science, psychoanalysis, and Anglo-American theory on multiculturalism.
At graduate school comparative politics (developing world) was Lee's second field. Since she joined the Department in 1991, Lee has continued her interest in the field by teaching an undergraduate course in Chinese politics. Lee recently developed a new undergraduate course on human rights, which is a political theory course that focuses on development related issues.
Lee has published on a wide range of subjects. Her current project is a book-length comparative study of Chinese and Western thought on cultural crisis and political identity. Lee first began a systematic study of modern Chinese political thought (from late nineteenth century on) in 1997-1998, when she was invited as a Visiting Scholar in the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research at Harvard University.