Ryan Briggs

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Phone number: 
519 824 4120 x58234
MCKN 904

Ryan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Guelph Institute of Development Studies. He researches the political economy of poverty alleviation.

His current projects focus on understanding where foreign aid projects are placed within recipient countries and the politics of the provision of electricity in low-income countries.

  • Briggs, Ryan C. (2018). Poor Targeting: A Gridded Spatial Analysis of the Degree to Which Aid Reaches the Poor in Africa. World Development, 103, 133–148.
  • Briggs, Ryan C. (2017). Does Foreign Aid Target the Poorest? International Organization, 71(1), 187–206.
  • Berinzon, Maya and Ryan C. Briggs (2016). Legal Families Without the Laws: The Fading of Colonial Law in French West Africa. American Journal of Comparative Law, 64(2), 329–370.
    • Winner of the Hessel Yntema Prize for best article published in AJCL in 2016 by authors under 40.
  • Briggs, Ryan C. and Scott Weathers (2016). The Other White Man’s Burden? Gender & Location in African Politics Scholarship. African Affairs, 115(460), 466–489.